Fujui WANG

Born in Taipei in 1969. One of the most important figures in Taiwan’s early sound development. He set up Taiwan’s first sound label and paper publish ‘Noise’, which became a great link for international sound network. He went to San Francisco in 1995 for further education and began to experiment under the name ‘Ching-Shen-Ching’. He returned to Taiwan in 1997 and works with Pd/Gem、Max/Msp/Nato in interactive sound and image field. Fujui joined ‘ETAT Lab’ in 2000 for digital art development. Within the lab, he co-curated ‘Bias’ - Taiwan’s first sound art exhibition, and ‘Open play- Digital Art Festival, Taipei’. Currently works in TechArt in TNUA, and working towards expanding multi-dimensional sound development in Taiwan.

His work explores the unclear relationship between sound, light, space and body, with a passion to create and dream.

soundwatchtw.blogspot.com (tw)
soundwatch.blogspot.com (en)