Born in Tainun in 1982. She started with traditional fine art such as gouache, oil, charcoal and Chinese ink painting. She went to Fuzhou, China and developed Chinese ink painting further with two other masters. In 2004, she received her graduation as well as the First Prize in Tao-yuan Creative Arts Award with the work ‘House of Fantasy’.
In 2006, she was under much attention with her interactive sound performance using LED glove. She performed with many established sound artists both from Taiwan and overseas. She performed in Hangzhou, China for the fourth 2pi Festival in November 2006.
She was selected as part of Digital Art Festival, Taipei 2006 in the Sound Art Category for her piece ‘Remanent’. In 2007, her work ‘congeal’ was selected for a conference WOCMAT for computer music technique.
Water Park
A sound installation, constructed on location. This installation cycles with delicate variation in complete analogue presentation without computer.
Performance: Hsin-Yuan TSAI
Installation: CHANG Geng-Hau
Hsin-Yuan TSAI